3 Lights always stay on?

Home Forums Bug Reports 3 Lights always stay on?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    Avatar of Jake

    Just bought a brand new BCR2000 and the ZAQ firmware. Anybody notice that the last three LED lights around the first encoder (top left), always stay on??

    Is this an issue with my BCR or with the firmware? I noticed it had this issue with the demo firmware as well. Any ideas?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hm… I hadn´t heard of this before.

    The last three LEDs of every encoder are reserved for the step counter.
    I take it that with your device they also stay on at the 1st encoder when the sequence is running?
    Are they fainter, or the same brightness as the step counter?
    I´ve noticed with some BCRs that some LEDs stay on faintly all the time.

    Does it also happen with the original Behringer firmware?

    Could you make a little video with a running sequence? A quick-and-dirty mobile phone video should suffice.

    Avatar of Jake


    I feel silly. That’s what the 3 lights were for. The 3 lights do move when I actually hit the play/stop button. *facepalm*

    Thanks Christian. I’m gonna go hide under a rock now.

    Avatar of Christian

    Happy it could be resolved this easily ;) Thanks for your feedback!

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