64 step sequence!!!

Home Forums Feature Wishlist 64 step sequence!!!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of FlavioB FlavioB 8 years ago.

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  • #1918
    Avatar of davidu

    First – zaquencer is amazing! i’d played last live with it and its great :)

    But i think it would be great to ad possibility to make 64 step sequences for longer more complex song like sequences.

    how i see implementation:
    1. 64step sequences (32 as standard setup) with option to swith ‘pages’ (2×32)
    2.possibility to use 2 sequences (track1 and track2) one after another to make 64steps

    i dont know if its possible to implement but i think that it would change zaquancer for better :)


    Avatar of Martin

    the second variation you mentioned is already possible – you can chain two (or more!) patterns together by doing this:

    - go into “Load” screen
    - press (and keep pressed) the pattern you want to load up next
    - also press another, “end” pattern
    - all patterns including and between the two patterns you selected will be played one after the other.

    Avatar of davidu

    i know but you can’t edit the paterns in chain mode.
    i was thinkink about chaining TRACKS (2 or 3 from 4 avaiable)…
    32 steps is not enough for me.
    is it possible?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi davidu,
    thanks for your input.
    Right now it´s not possible to chain tracks, only patterns as described above.
    You can edit the patterns in chain mode, but you have to doubleclick “store” before the next one loads or your changes will not be kept. I understand that this is not ideal, but maybe it´s something that one could get used to.

    I will think about your idea some more to see if it could be realized with reasonable effort. But I am really not sure at the moment.

    Avatar of erwan Bz✨
    erwan Bz✨

    Sorry to bump this old thread again: it would be really great to be able to edit several chained patterns on the fly…
    Is it really not possible to envisage an “overwrite chaining mode” where any change is automatically saved? (the save command could just be performed when the pattern switches to the next one?)

    Avatar of FlavioB

    +1 here for 64 steps, of course if there’s an easy and “ergonomic” way to achieve this.

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