Accidentally Ordered Zaquencer Firmware Twice

Home Forums Support Accidentally Ordered Zaquencer Firmware Twice

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2580
    Avatar of Patrick

    Hey guys, great firmware, I can’t wait to get it up and running in my hardware setup! I paid for and downloaded Zaquencer about a month ago, but could not find the file or any record of it on my computer. After not finding it, I figured that I mis-remembered and had not actually paid for and downloaded it then so I went ahead and paid again last night and downloaded Zaquencer a second time. Of course, after doing that I found the original paid version which I have not installed….I now how two paid versions of Zaquencer (neither are installed yet) and only one BCR2000. Would there be anyway to cancel and refund my latest purchase?

    My name is Patrick Cuddy, and the latest order was placed last night around 11 pm MST. Any help would be appreciated as forking out $200 Canadian for $100 firmware stings. Thanks!

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Patrick,
    thanks for writing.
    To return an un-authorized order within 14 days is covered by our revocation policy.
    Please do not authorize the order you wish to return.

    On quick glance I can only find one order of yours (#732).
    Please write an email with your request to and attach the order data of both orders (order nr., codes if activated). We´ll work it out from there.

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