Adjustable step length per step

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Adjustable step length per step

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Adam Adam 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1559
    Avatar of Adam

    Would it be possible to have each step of a sequence be a different length from the others? So you could have rhythmic patterns like “ta tiri” (1/8, 1/16, 1/16).

    Avatar of alien_brain

    youre not talking about note length are you? its already there.

    zaq has said we cant add any more pattern based features because flash memory is already full.

    Avatar of Christian

    While the length of the steps themselves is fixed, you can experiment placing the notes around the stepgrid. You can use Note Delay to shift them back and forth and Note Length to make them play longer/shorter, Note Mute to silence a note (to make way for a long one before it). For the usecase you´ve described it´s not as intuitive as how you´ve proposed, but to a degree it might allow you to do what you have in mind.

    Avatar of Adam

    I’ll try that. Thanks!

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