authorization problem at response code

Home Forums Support authorization problem at response code

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Jeff Jeff 10 years ago.

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  • #2338
    Avatar of Jeff

    I think I am having problems with authorization.
    I updated the firmware and it counter up to 14. i rebooted the BCR
    I got the chal and then the two sets of 4 numbers 1234 5678 (ex)
    I logged into my account and entered the challenge code 1234 5678
    I got the response code 1234abcd (ex)
    and it just sits there.
    I expected to see
    “You should see „InIt“ in the display and the LED rings of the first 24 encoders counting up. This
    may take a while. This formats the internal Flash memory of the device and writes the default
    pattern to every one of the possible 192 slots.”
    But it just sits there with d staring at me (again d is just based on the example response code)

    Did I miss something? In advance thanks

    Avatar of Jeff

    disregard. I figured out the problem. I fat fingered the chal code.


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Jeff, thanks for getting in touch by mail as well. I´ve just sent you your corrected Authorization Info. Let me know if that fixed it!

    Avatar of Jeff

    Yes thank you.
    To anyone else reading.
    I did exactly what the instructions had said not to do and that is make sure that you dont mix up the 6 and the b.
    Once I got it sorted out it updated without issue and I am now learning the ropes for using the zaquencer…..

    Would be good if there were more tutorials down the road for newbies like me when it comes to sequencers. (Im actually a guitarist expanding out into the “all in one guy doing home recording”)

    Thanks again for all your help

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