Authorization – Response Code with letters?

Home Forums Support Authorization – Response Code with letters?


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #6228
    Avatar of Guido Worring
    Guido Worring

    I just recieved my response code – the problem is, that it contains two letters beside the numbers – my question is – how am i supposed to type the letters into my BCR2000 when each poti 1-8 represents just a number?

    Avatar of Christian

    The encoders do not represent a number, but a digit of the response code. Also their value range is from 0-9 and the A-F (capitalization does not matter).

    So, with the first encoder you put in the first digit of the Response Code, with the second encoder the second digit etc… until all 8 digits have the correct value.

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