button replacement part?

Home Forums Support button replacement part?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #4841
    Avatar of alien_brain

    does anyone have an idea of what tact switch is used on the PCB? i need to replace one of mine… thanks

    Avatar of alien_brain

    Avatar of alien_brain
    Avatar of Christian

    Looks good, but I do not have any experience with the BCR´s switches and a quick search revealed no information. My guess is that if the dimenstions are the same and the “electrical” properties (like which pins are connected on push) then it should work. You should be able to get all the necessary info from the datasheet.

    I´d be very interested in this as well, so if you decide to give it a go and try them out please post back here!

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