Can't figure out how to set up a drum track…

Home Forums Support Can't figure out how to set up a drum track…

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of fabi fabi 7 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of fabi


    I’ve been trying to figure out how to use one of the zaquencer’s tracks for drums.
    Are we supposed to program the drums in the INST SELECT menu?

    I read the manual and it says to turn the encoders, but for me not all encoders actually turn on in INST SELECT menu.

    Once I hit play on my zaquencer while in INST SELECT menu the other instruments flicker, although I hadn’t programmed any drum hits, yet, as far as i know…

    Any help would be appeciated.

    Currently got track 3 set to drum on out A and midi channel 3…

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Fabi,
    it´s a bit hard to determine from the description what´s happening…
    First of all, have you already followed the steps layed ot here:

    Secondly, do you have the possibility of making a small video of your behaviour?


    Avatar of fabi

    Hi Christian,
    I got it mostly figured out by now. I re-read the manual and now I can communicate with my drumsynth.

    I still don’t know why there are notes in my drum instruments. Could they be a carry-over from when the track was a chord track?

    It’s not a big issue, though, I just mute all instruments and then set the steps as I want them…

    Thanks for the help. :)

    Avatar of Ian

    I had this same issue today (never tried drum sequencing before) and my problem was that I didn’t realise I still had to unmute all the steps using the Note Mute button (3) as well as enabling the steps using Inst Select.

    In drum mode is there a reason for this behaviour? In effect you have to enable a step twice (unmute it and then switch it on in the Inst Select interface).

    Apologies if I am misunderstanding … I love my ZAQ Sequencer by the way :)

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Ian,
    the behaviour as you describe is correct and intended behaviour.
    The Note Mutes still affect the step in drum mode.
    I´ve decide to leave that functionality in, as it´s a way to affect all drum notes on that step at once. If not needed you can simply unmute all steps (by holding “Note Mute” and turning any one encoder to the left).
    Also the default should be that all steps are unmuted so I didn´t think this would lead to problems. But I can imagine that it can cause confusion if one doesn´t know it´s in effect.


    Avatar of fabi

    Yes, I also eventually figured out how it works after not having used drum tracks in the past one and a half years…

    However, it seems like a bug or other strange behavior that for some users not all steps are unmuted by default… maybe a carry-over from when it was a chord track. Not sure.
    I didn’t have only the muted steps, but also playing drum instruments that I hadn’t yet programmed. Very strange indeed. ^^

    However, holding the note mute and turning an encoder works just fine… be it for the main steps or for the drum instruments.

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