Changing patterns with external control.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Aaron Aaron 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    Avatar of Aaron

    Aside from using a footswitch, is it possible to advance to the next Zaquencer pattern by sending a midi signal from another device? My Zaq is slaved to my ESX1, and I am wondering if there would be a way to automate Zaquencer pattern changes when using the Electribe in song mode to free up hands for other stuff.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    yup you can send a cc message to change the pattern that plays. it changes immediately however so it needs to be quantized. i use jjos2xl and map a controller to a pad and can then put it anywhere in the sequence.

    Avatar of Aaron

    Sweet!!! So for instance I could record the CC change onto a controller on my ESX on the last step of a pattern, and the Zaquencer should then start the next pattern in sync with the first step of my ESX?

    This would really open things up for me, one less thing to worry about – so the big question – which CC does it use?

    And thanks for the reply!

    Avatar of alien_brain

    no you want to put that cc on the first step, there is no auto quantization sync with downbeat etc. ill let you find that cc in the manual… no offense!

    Avatar of Christian

    So, what´s possible right now is to trigger a pattern directly by number (patterns 0-127).
    This can be done by sending the corresponding CC message (see manual page 22 for all the details: “Trigger Enable & Trigger CC Nr”

    This feature is also contained in the free demo, so you can try before buy to see if it really does what you need.

    Avatar of Aaron

    Ahhh, right – I see it now! Sorry, I was looking in the pattern load section and didn’t see anything. I purchased it in January 2015 Christian and think it is brilliant! It is such a useful tool, but I have been manually switching patterns all this time, which obviously works just fine as I’ve been happy doing it for 18 months, but this could be a great addition to me which has been there all along! This highlights the fact that I keep finding new ways to use it, it really is a great sequencer, so thanks for all your work on it Christian.

    So now I will have a play with this!

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