Clear / Erase track option

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Clear / Erase track option

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Jeremy Jeremy 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Avatar of Jeremy

    I think a “clear” function would be nice, to erase completely a track or a pattern. I often feel the need to build a new track within a pattern slot, and the only way i found is to store an empty pattern (with four empty tracks sharing the same “default” values) and recalling that empty track on the one i’m working on (selected as the “destination” track in the load menu) (so that i don’t have to mute/reset each step manually).

    Would be even more efficient if i could just “clear” the track…

    Tell me what you think, or if i missed something in the manual or in the forum (non native english speaker here ;-) )

    Avatar of alien_brain

    you can already hold a button (1-16) and turn any knob to set all steps at once, effectively clearing all steps if you wish.

    Avatar of Christian

    You´re right, there is no dedicated function to clear a pattern included.
    That came up in the beta as well and we´ve decided that recalling + storing an empty pattern from the back of the pages, just like you did it, would suffice.
    It´s really just 3 clicks. Adding a special function for deleting the pattern wouldn´t be a lot easier to use and it would cost development time we´d rather spend elsewhere…

    Avatar of Jeremy

    @alien brain : yep but that actually sets/clears one parameter at once, eg : pitch, leaving lenght / vel. etc. unchanged. And in drum mode you still have so set inst. individually. Still, i find it cool to kinda shift / transpose notes pitches that way (i mean without incoming midi notes)

    @zaq : ok, i get it.

    It´s really just 3 clicks.

    Well, i agree that’s not such a big deal ! ;-) that’s what happens when everything is just “one layer of depth” from my hands… I go lazy :-)

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