Compatibility with Pittsburgh MIDI

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1045
    Avatar of B

    I don’t know why, but the ZAQuencer can’t seem to send expected MIDI to my Pittsburgh Modular MIDI module (old version). I have checked that it sends fine and correct to MIDI in on my computer, and I have checked that I can send a MIDI sequence from the computer to the Pittsburgh module correctly (via Nodal; this works just fine), but when I send a note-pitch-randomized 32-step sequence from the ZAQuencer to the Pittsburgh, I generally get just a drone of a single note that may change occasionally. On the software end, MIDI Monitor shows that the ZAQuencer is sending note on at 127 velocity followed by note off at 0 on channel 1, which looks right to me.

    I’ve tried setting the ZAQuencer to all of 16 MIDI channels, both the A and B physical outs (with A, B, and AB out settings for the sequence). I’ve tried recording a MIDI sequence in Logic and replaying it to the Pittsburgh — this has exactly the same effect as sending directly, so I don’t think it’s a purely electrical issue, but instead, a disagreement about the MIDI data.

    Do you have any idea what might be going on here?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hm… I´ve been trying to think what could be happening here.

    Two things sprung to mind:
    - have you experimented with the note length parameter in the Zaquencer yet?
    maybe the notes are set too long?
    - there are two ways of ending a midi note, sending Note Off, or sending Note On with velocity 0 (like we do). Maybe the Pittsburgh doesn´t like it that way?

    Avatar of B

    I’ve set the note length short, so I don’t think that’s it. Here are a couple short captures from MIDI Monitor, with the unnecessary bits omitted:

    Sequence sent from Logic, recognized OK on the Pittsburgh:
    *** ZERO *** Note On 1 C3 80
    *** ZERO *** Note Off 1 C3 64
    *** ZERO *** Note On 1 C#3 80
    *** ZERO *** Note Off 1 C#3 64
    *** ZERO *** Note On 1 F3 80
    *** ZERO *** Note Off 1 F3 64
    *** ZERO *** Note On 1 C2 80
    *** ZERO *** Note Off 1 C2 64

    Sequence sent from ZAQuencer, malfunctioning:
    15:27:28.205 Note On 1 C3 127
    15:27:28.248 Note Off 1 C3 0
    15:27:28.580 Note On 1 C#3 127
    15:27:28.623 Note Off 1 C#3 0
    15:27:28.955 Note On 1 F3 127
    15:27:28.998 Note Off 1 F3 0
    15:27:29.330 Note On 1 C2 127
    15:27:29.372 Note Off 1 C2 0

    Anything stand out to you?

    Avatar of Christian

    Email sent

    Avatar of Christian

    For anyone following this, the problem went away when we switched to sending NoteOff from the Zaquencer. This will be incorporated in a future update.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of Christian Christian.
    Avatar of Christian

    Fixed in 1.01

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