Controller mode / pots

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Controller mode / pots

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #766
    Avatar of Citric

    Ist es möglich zb. 4 Pots einer Seq. zu Controller zwecken zu opfern. oder ein controller modus einzubauen.
    Zb um manuell via Poti cc parameter oder nrpn zu steuern. denke dran, zb wehrend einer sequenz manuel das filter zu tweaken oder um div andere parameter von hand zu tweaken.

    Avatar of Christian

    Wieder auf englisch, wie im anderen thread:
    To include a full blown controller functionality (programmable, customizable etc) is at this point unfortunately impossible.
    Please consider using a cheap dedicated Midi Controller for this and hooking it up somehow with the Zaquencer´s Midi through capability.

    What´s already possible now are the 2 Midi controls Alpha & Beta (can be CC, Aftertouch, Program change, Pitch bend – set in the global menu). If you don´t use them for sequenced Midi Control Changes, you can set them all to the same value and then hold the button to affect all steps at once. This way you have two live tweakable Midi controls for every track!

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