curious about future plans

Home Forums Feature Wishlist curious about future plans

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of alien_brain

    are you planning on releasing any major updates to zaquencer? it seems mostly complete the way it is… what more features can realistically be added? theres no more buttons! can you implement the foot switches?

    Avatar of Christian

    hi alien,
    interesting questions! so far we don´t really have a lot on our minds for the future. we will collect our users´ feature requests and bug reports. we´ll fix all bugs that might still creep up as the highest priority. also we´ll carefully evaluate every feature request. there will be some that will fit nicely into the firmware still and we´ll try to do these. others will be difficult and even impossible to implement. the thing is, every feature is always a tradeoff of functionality vs. intuitivity of usage. we feel that we have reached the perfect balance here, and wouldn´t want to sacrifice intuitivity for features for example. but some features might still fit in nicely, it always depends…
    the foot switches might be possible for example. do you have a functionality for these in mind? how important/cool do you think they´ll be?

    Avatar of von haulshoven
    von haulshoven

    I play a lot guitar against sequences, If it works out fine I think to buy 2 zaquencers, so controlling with the feet one or the other bcr and still keep the fingers on the fretboard.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    hmm foot switches… maybe you can offer a variety of functionality such as start/stop, next sequence or next sequence bank, program change, momentary/permanent midi cc switch, set all notes to shortest length (while pedal is held) or maybe legato while held, mute/unmute track etc…

    Avatar of alien_brain

    also perhaps you could make it store a list of values and cycle between them? if you only put one value in the list, it acts like a momentary or latched value and then alternates with a ‘default’ value? or perhaps another one you set.

    Avatar of Christian

    thanks for the suggestions!
    but are we still (or were we ever) talking about the footswitches with the 2 jacks in the back of the BCR?
    there was also already another idea of making these functions available by Midi CC, so you can hook up a pedal board. maybe that´s a more practical plan from the get-go.

    btw, there is already a way to trigger pattern changes with midi CC (only directly though, not next/prev).

    Avatar of alien_brain

    yeah i know. there are lots of people with guitars and pedals. yes i mean the foot switch jacks

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