cursor playback display anomaly

Home Forums Bug Reports cursor playback display anomaly

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2038
    Avatar of alien_brain

    seems the cursor isnt displaying accurately. check the vid. when 2 patterns are chained the cursor is not displayed correctly, each pattern by its self the cursor displays fine.

    Avatar of Christian

    first of all, great track on the vid!

    the cursor is being displayed like this:
    - when pattern chain is enabled, the cursor always displays the track that takes the longest to play through once. this has been implemented, so you see when the next change of pattern is imminent
    - when the chain is not enabled, the cursor always shows the speed of the selected track
    this is why the cursor display might differ between the two modes.

    there is one sentence in the manual about this on page 23 in the explanation of the pattern chain. I agree this explanation could be more detailed though.

    I´m not quite sure I understand the problem in the video though.
    to me the cursor always seems slower in the first pattern than in the second one, regardless of pattern chain, no?

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i figured it out. pattern a had track 3 set to 8 clock divider. my bad.

    thanks! im finding many ways to make a wobble work well using zaquencer to program the asr-x, which btw i would highly recommend to anybody wanting an mpc like unit but with far more sound tweaking capability. it works very well with zaquencer!

    Avatar of alien_brain

    vid deleted…

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