Default sequence lengthening behaviour.

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Default sequence lengthening behaviour.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #856
    Avatar of Lerosa

    I find that if I have an 8 steps sequence running and want to extend it to 16, it would be very helpful if these new 8 steps contained an exact copy of the previous 8 instead of the default C notes value. The Korg ER has this I think so that if you decide to lenghten the sequence from 1 to 4 bars it automagically has the next 3 bars populated with what’s on bar 1. It would really help for on the fly improv.

    Avatar of Citric

    would be a nice feature, but the system must copy the content. if this is a easy change ?

    Avatar of Lerosa

    yeah, possibly the OS does that or maybe you can hold a button while selecting the pattern length to specify if you want the previous 8 steps, so row 2 copies row 1, row 3 copies row 2 and so on.

    Avatar of alien_brain


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