Delay on 1st step of cycle

Home Forums Bug Reports Delay on 1st step of cycle

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7196
    Avatar of mennonl

    When running my cycle I seem to get random delay open the 1st step of the cycle in certain tracks. Is this the Zaquencer or is this qa midi problem? I have a program change in the initial step and that will make the synth select the program each cycle and this causes the delay perhaps… What would be a better way to have my preset select the right programs so I can avoid this problem?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi! I am not aware of a behavior like this originating from the Zaquencer.

    I recommend testing several things to investigate the issue.
    - check out a different midi receiver
    - omit the program change message to the cycle
    - look at the Zaquencer’s midi output with a monitoring software like Midi-OX.

    If the cycle really needs some time to react to the program change, maybe it’s an option to use a negative note delay on the first step, or send the command on the last step of the previous loop.

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