Double function

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Double function

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Luigi Luigi 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2549
    Avatar of Luigi

    Hi Zaq,
    just got the zaquencer and really enjoying it. Thanks for your work!!
    May it be possible to insert a double function?
    For example: you have a 3step sequence, press double and it becomes a 6step sequence with the last 3 steps that are same as the first 3 steps (4step becomes eight and so on).


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Luigi,

    thanks for the kudos and for sharing your feature request!
    While the idea seems straightforward, it sounds like a lot of work to realize it.
    I guess we would need a copy/paste scheme first and then trigger it in the way you´ve described above.

    I´m not understanding the outcome as well. What´s your intention with this feature? It seems to me if you just double the sequence with the same content that it would sound the same in a loop? Or is it about crossrhythms with the other tracks?


    Avatar of Luigi

    Hi Christian,
    Thanks for your reply!
    I’m a Push owner. There is that double function that i use a lot.
    The gol is variation, of course. I make a 4step sequence, double it and then i modify the duplicated one slightly and so on.
    Not a vital function but a timesaver.



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