Drum note mapping

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years ago.

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  • #5566
    Avatar of FlavioB

    Hi there.
    Maybe I just didn’t fiddle long enough with my ZAQuencer, anyway…

    I understand that it’s possible to configure 4 different drum note mappings – one for each track. Does this mean that they are fix bound to those tracks, even if the track(s) are in Chord mode?

    Another question: is it possible to have different mappings for different patterns? My use case would be: using patterns in page 1 for my JoMoX Air Base 99 (so all mapped to that drum machine), using patterns in page 2 for my Vermona DRM-1… or even having the drum mappings saved with the pattern itself (so page 1, pattern 1 = drum note mapping 3 – page 1 pattern 2 = drum note mapping 7) and so on?!

    Sorry I might not have explained myself at best… :-/


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Flavio,

    to answer your first question, yes the drum note mappings are fix bound to the tracks, even if they´re in chord mode.

    It´s not possible to hae a drum note mapping per pattern.
    The only way I can think of to switch drum note mappings is to work with a SysEx export/import of the Global parameters. I don´t know if that´s workable in a real-world situation though.


    Avatar of FlavioB

    Hi Christian – thanks for your reply.
    So in fact, I can have maximum 4 different drum mappings for the whole ZAQuencer, right? No matter what pattern or page I’m in, they are always the same and get “active” only if the specific track is set to drum mode (of course), right?

    Your SysEx suggestion is fine, but I agree with you that it’s not comfortable in “real-life” :-)


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Flavio,
    just to confirm, yes the way you wrote above is correct.


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