Drum note pitch and voume change

Home Forums Bug Reports Drum note pitch and voume change

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Mäk Mäk 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • #7659
    Avatar of Mäk

    Hello Christian,
    the Zaquencer changes in the connection ( Retrokit cable) with my Volca Sample again and again the sample speed of my Volca, it changes the pitch . The problem occurs every now and then. It seems that the Zaquencer sends midi data to the Volca Sample and changes its sample speed. The frequency varies, sometimes nothing happens for an hour, then suddenly the Zaquencer pitches the speed. In addition, every now and then a drum sample randomly raises the volume, although the sample volume on the Volca is low, it is suddenly set to max. This problem also occurs from time to time.
    Do you have an idea how I can solve the problem?
    Greetings Markus

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Markus,
    I see how this could be annoying :-/
    I’m not aware of any behavior in the Zaquencer that could cause this at the moment.
    Can you please give me more information on the Volca? Which Midi messages would cause it to change pitch or sample volume?

    What is the Retrokit cable doing? Might it be altering Midi messages in a non-benficial way?

    Can you reproduce the error reliably in some circumstances?


    Avatar of Mäk

    Hi Christian,
    the Retrokit Midi Cable is a Smart MIDI cable, with a Firmware to control the Volca Sample 1 or 2 from a single MIDI-channel.
    So the Volce is only on Midi Channel 1, thats all. No,the error happens suddendly,
    and i dont know why. Sometimes when I mute for example a drum and sometimes when the Zaquencer is just running.


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