Exit Load menu restarts pattern

Home Forums Bug Reports Exit Load menu restarts pattern

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of chaosmoon chaosmoon 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Avatar of chaosmoon


    when pushing “Load” to exit the menu as apposed to “Exit” the playing pattern restarts here.

    Avatar of Christian

    That is intentional. Both Load and Store have extra functionality when exiting the menu with their own button. Store stores the active setting in the selected slot, Load loads the selected slot, thus restarting the pattern (see manual P. 9). Same for Global, which will store Global settings only when exiting the global menu with it´s own button.

    A usecase would be for example if your recent changes messed up your nice pattern, just doubleclick Load and you´re back to where you started with that pattern.

    Or, if you want to make sure you´ve saved everything before powering off your machine, just doubleclick Store and Global.

    Avatar of chaosmoon

    ..but if your working on a pattern with more than 8 steps and you hit load, it will restart the pattern at the first 8 step break.

    if i messed up a nice pattern and i’m in “Load” menu, then i can simply hit the number of the active pattern to reload it, or not? This seems much more logical and safer (if everyone agrees that the pattern restart on 8 step breaks is logical which i don’t)

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