External Clock with Presonus studio one

Home Forums Support External Clock with Presonus studio one

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Fernando Fernando 7 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #5683
    Avatar of Jeff

    Very basic newbie type of question.
    I have my zaq connection properly midi in and out. Of this I am sure.
    When I set the zaq clock to external I would expect it to start and stop when I hit play stop in studio one and sync to the tempo. this is not happening though. What is it that I am missing and not doing right? I had this set up before and it worked a while back but I havent used my zaq in a while and now I cant get external clock to work. FW 1.5
    in advance thanks

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Jeff,
    have you made sure that Studio One is still sending the clock?
    Can you confirm the green Midi In light blinking on the BCR upon clock reception?

    You can test if the option “Etl clock” is correctly set in the Global Menu, if the local Start/Stop button does not react anymore (Zaq is waiting for clock over Midi to start).


    Avatar of Fernando

    This question is quite a few months old but:
    Currently in Studio One 3.5+ what you need to do is –

    1. Add a generic keyboard in Options from which you’ll receive MIDI IN from the BCR/Zaquencer – enable “Split Channels”. I call this ZAQ IN.
    2. Add a generic instrument to which you’ll send MIDI OUT – enable Clock. I call this ZAQ OUT.

    Now on your MIDI/Instrument track you need to be either sending or receiving MIDI from one of those, basically. But if you just want to send out clock then you just need the generic instrument with MIDI out. You don’t need to add a MIDI track for it; as long as it is set up Studio One will send Clock out to it when you press play. If you want no delay you need to activate the “Z” buffer feature in the DAW. It takes more processing but you get “0 ms” delay.

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