feature suggestion: small but efficient User Interface adaptation…

Home Forums Feature Wishlist feature suggestion: small but efficient User Interface adaptation…

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of bg bg 8 years ago.

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  • #4818
    Avatar of teknoid

    Hi Christian / Hi all,

    so I will try to explain clear: when selecting a function on the
    Zaquencer, for example Note Pitch, in the situation now, when keeping the Note Pitch button pressed, and turning an encoder, all value’s under all 32 encoders will change to selected value. But it would be super convenient if only the value’s from that encoder and all encoders to the right side of edited encoder would change value, leaving the value’s from the encoders to the left of selected encoder unchanged.

    This will make programming so much quicker and more intuitive.
    Now starting from most upper left rotary, it will work like it works now: all value’s change. But it is now easy to go to the rotary one row lower (for example), press and hold Note Pitch, and thus change value of all encoders to the right too, then go to the rotary one row lower (for example) change value’s, and so on. You have now edited 32 encoders to 4 different value’s in 4 knob turns. Single encoders can still be changed without holding the Note Pitch button. This is in practice much faster: much less knobs to be turned.
    You can now program encoder value’s in rows of 4, 8, 16, or 2. Anything ofcourse…
    There are many situations where this is very handy (and not only with Note Pitch).

    Yes, it is brilliant :) and no, i did not make this up myself. It works like that on Yamaha DX200 (and AX200?) machines. And these machines only have 16 encoders. I had one long time ago, and since the first time programming the Zaquencer I have been missing this workflow.

    I think there are no cons to this way of functioning, only pro’s. You have to experience it to understand better then when I try to explain in words. I hope I was clear enough so you can imagine it. To me it will make working with the Zaquencer much faster and a lot more fun. Could you please look into this?
    I So hope this can be achieved… Please?

    If this was not clear, please communicate and I will do another attempt of explaining this.
    Thank you for your attention.

    Avatar of Siegmar Kreie
    Siegmar Kreie

    1st rotary (between seqence-start and end) moves all (between..),
    2nd rotary every 2nd, ect.

    Avatar of teknoid

    Not the overwhelming reception I had hoped for I must say ;)

    So here´s an example of how much this would improve the workflow:

    In a 32 note sequence, let´s say we want the first 16 notes to have a Velocity value of 127, and the next 16 notes Velocity Value of 10.

    In the current situation this means I have to separately turn 16(!) encoders from 127 to 10, which is 16 times 5 encoder twists and then 16 times fine adjust to land exactly on 10.
    I dare you to do this in less than 1 minute…

    In the way as described above this takes 2 encoder adjustments and fine adjusting, one time for the 127 value of the first 16 notes, and one time for the 10 value for the second 16.
    Finished in 3 seconds max!

    Maybe something similar can be easily achieved with the wave generator? If so please explain to me. I never really got used to this feature.

    Try to imagine how this will make working with the sequencer so much more convenient and therefore more creative.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    Avatar of Luigi

    +1 Cool idea!

    Avatar of teknoid

    Now I see there is another way too, working with sequence select. Lots of menu button changing though. The way described here is still more clear and faster.

    A question from me: is there an easy way to go change one octave?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    Avatar of teknoid

    again (also after personal emails)so carefully explained but again no reaction from Christian.

    I hate having to turn and turn knobs and knobs unnecessary, am i the only one??

    And am i the only one who thinks the manual is totally confusing?
    It should be edited. 30 procent shorter is possible.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    Avatar of bg

    +1 this would be good

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