"fine" Note Delay

Home Forums Feature Wishlist "fine" Note Delay

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #4653
    Avatar of Supervillain

    Hi all!

    It would be dope if, in a future firmware, it will be possible to set a smaller amount of note delay!
    Current note delay work just fine for ratcheting and all but with a smaller amount it would be possible to time shift each note individulay just enought to have a more “natural” or “realistic play” feeling into a sequence.
    If midi timming allow the zaquencer to do this of course!

    Thx for this wonderfull firmware anyway, and sorry for my english…

    Avatar of Christian

    Thanks for sharing your feature request!
    Unfortunately at the moment it´s not possible to increase the resolution of the Note Delay feature. It corresponds to the internal time resolution of the Zaquencer and this can´t be changed easily (or even at all).

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