Forwarding some parameters via Clock-Out?

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1865
    Avatar of fabi

    Hey everyone,

    I was wondering if it were possible to somehow implement a new Clock Out mode. I’m an incredibly happy camper having two Zaquencers at my disposal as of today. Not that I’m going to dispose of them, but I digress. ;)

    Only Zaq knows how many people use multiple Zaquencers, but here is what I was wondering about:
    I’ve got one of the zaquencers running as master, the other as slave.
    The way it is now, as I understand it, BPM and start/stop get put through to the slave. Wouldn’t it be nice if some other parameters such as SCALE and SCALE BASE (maybe NOTE DISPLAY, too) were also forwarded to the slave? I don’t have any idea if this is actually possible (or already possible somehow), but are there others who feel this to be a nice addition?

    I guess I can always adjust each zaquencer separately. Just curious what others think of this. :)

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i personally would clock my 2 zaquencers from a midi patchbay and i appreciate the independent nature of the setup. im getting into one zaquencer handling drums and loops while the next does basslines and accompaniment. any other stuff is handled by the mpc 2500 and i can ‘bounce’ midi to the mpc from zaquencer as well as control zaquencer(s) from mpc etc etc nice hardware setup if you ask me. JJOSXL is a perfect match for zaquencer. actually the perfect addition for me would be to open up step on/off to midi cc control. that way the pads on the mpc could act directly on the sequence in zaquencer while you twist knobs for note length or something else using the BCR interface simultaneously.

    im sure your request would be a simple thing once midi is fully sussed. i have a feeling a lot of stuff will be possible. no pressure of course zaq lol!

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Fabi,
    thanks for sharing your idea!

    I understand where you´re coming from, but I must say I also prefer to have the Zaquencer operate independently on default.

    Like you wrote, master and slave already share the complete Midi Clock (Start/Stop and BPM through clock pulses).
    If you think about it, there are not really so many settings that would make sense to share. Scale (Base) and Note display would come to mind as you wrote, maybe Quantization but that´s pretty much it. So it´s not really a lot of work to enter these manually for the user and would still be some work to implement it in the software.

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