Get some BCR features back

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Get some BCR features back

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 9 years, 9 months ago.

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    Avatar of Luigi

    may it be possible to have some BCR funcionality back?
    For example reducing the tracks from 4 to 2 and adding back at least 2 presets from the 32 original presets of the BCR. I know nothing about coding, but your firmware is already able to send all the necessary data so it shouldn’t be that hard (I guess).
    That way it’s possible to sequence 2 synthesizers (or drum modules) and edit them at the same time (well, from the same device at least).
    Yes I know… I can buy another BCR of course (it’s that cheap!) but there’s no space left on my desk.
    You could sell a package with two versions of the firmware. One only Zaquencer and the other half Zaquencer and half BCR.
    That would add value to the Zaquencer and of course raise your sales!


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Luigi,

    thanks for sharing your feature request!

    Unfortunately it is not possible for us at the moment to easily include some of the BCR functionality into the Zaquencer. The thing is, the Zaquencer completely replaces the Behringer Firmware and we also do not have access to the original source code. So we can´t simply take parts of it and put it into the Zaquencer (all memory space concerns aside even). To reprogram the BCR functionality ourselves is not on the priority list right now, we´d rather build more step-sequencing features for the Zaquencer.

    Sure, it´s a tradeoff to exchange the functionality of the BCR completely with a step sequencer. But we figured that it´s much easier to get an additional Midi controller than a fully functional step sequencer. Really, when you look around, there are so many Midi controllers, even with small form factors that you could easily add to the Zaquencer for a killer rig.

    Hope you understand!


    Avatar of Luigi

    Hi Cristian,
    I understand this. But what about something simpler than the BCR?
    I use the zaquencer paired with my daw. So everything goes throu the daw before reaching my hardware synths (Virus Ti and Mopho) so I can record everything and then edit automations in the daw. I allready own variuos controllers (launchpad, push, nanokontrol and the bcr of course)plus the synths and some pedals….my desk is allready crowded.
    I was controlling the mopho with the bcr before buying the zaquencer firmware so I miss this really.
    Back to my suggestion. What about having 1 channel of zaquencer switchable to midicontrol.
    Nothing fancy like the Bcr. No encoder groups and such. Just one page of simple ccs. 32 encoders and the buttons to map. No 14 bit and such. You con choose only what cc number to send out and a global midi channel.

    Hope you”ll think about it!

    Thank you for your time and for creating Zaquencer!


    Avatar of alien_brain

    this isnt a bad idea if youre pressed for space. it may be asking too much from a kick ass midi sequencer that already has a long list of cool stuff people want. it would be nice tho ill admit.

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