Hold save to save pattern

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #2954
    Avatar of chaosmoon

    I often work late at night. Its happened a few times that i’ve happily saved a pattern variation, thought i’d gone into “Load” mode and then tried to fire off a few patterns. The result was overwriting 3 patterns with the current buffer.

    personally i’d like to have “Save” as a temporary thing thats only active while i’m holding down the Save button. This way i could stay in Load state, switch up patterns, change them and then save by holding the button and choosing where i want it to go.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    yes this has happened to me too. good one!

    Avatar of Eric

    Yea this is an excellent point as I’ve very often come close to doing the same thing and wondered what a good solution would be. This idea sounds like the perfect solution! +1000

    Avatar of Christian

    Has been added in version 1.5

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