How about a version for the BCF2000?

Home Forums Feature Wishlist How about a version for the BCF2000?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Avatar of coolout

    Hi Christian,

    I believe the BCF2000 was actually more popular than the BCR. I know it was the first control surface for a lot of people with some buying 2 or 3 for a large console experience. I have a couple collecting dust. How difficult would it be to port Zaquencer to the BCF2000?

    Here’s my ideas: You could have all the steps run through the first row of knobs, with some of indicator on the track select buttons that shows which group of steps (1-8,9-16,etc.) the knobs are displaying. I guess it would also be cool to have a mode where you can select which group of steps the knobs control (shift/track button perhaps) and also a free running mode where it cycles through all the steps automatically. The BCF’s faders could be used to control different parameters (velocity, note length, etc.) like an pre-midi or modular sequencer, except with motorized faders. All the other functions and layout could stay the same.

    Avatar of Craig

    I’d say the 2 in combo would be killer. The sequence runs on the BCR but assign some of the different editing functions to the BCF.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi coolout,

    thanks for sharing your idea!

    The port to the BCF2000 would be doable, but it´s still a lot of work.
    First of all, the devices are not an exact match, regarding memory regions for certain functions, then one would have to get the faders/motors to work and then a sequencer would need a tight user interface (along the lines of your suggestion).
    I´m not quite sure of the benefit of this port, because – in my mind – the concept of the Zaquencer relies heavily on the 32 rotary encoders of the BCR. You can see every step at one glance and have visual feedback for every parameter through the led rings. I´m not quite sure how much fun it would be with the BCF. I might still get one someday to fool around with it, see if I can get the motors to work and see how much fun the device is to use.
    But at the moment I want to focus on the BCR, devising and implementing new features into this platform.

    I like Craig´s suggestion though. For that we´d still have to add lots of remote control over Midi, but that has been a request by many anyway so might come in the future.

    Avatar of Eric

    I actually just logged back into the forum today because I’m dreaming of a Zaq for the BCF. Here is my idea, model it on the Intellijel Metropolis (which is based on the RYK M-185). First of all for everybody who is obsessed with having a million steps and song mode and memory and all of that nonsense, just forget about it. Imagine this:

    So it’s only an 8 step monophonic sequencer. Each fader selects the note for that step. Each encoder sets different parameters for that step including holds, rests, note repeats, etc. The top button rows could be slides or something like that.

    So the idea behind this BCF firmware would not be to compete with the original Zaquencer at all. In fact you could clock the BCF from the original Zaq and use both. It would be much less of a master midi control hub and more of an analog style acid techno super sequencer. I think it could be sweet as shit.

    Avatar of Craig

    By adding remote midi function to the ZAQ firmware, you could do pretty much what you are talking about without having to write a whole new OS for another piece of hardware. Just use the BCF as a remote for certain functions on the ZAQ.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    at that point couldnt any midi controller act as a remote for zaquencer? i thought the idea here was to implement as many cc > parameters as possible.

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