Individual track load

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of bg bg 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #3102
    Avatar of bg

    As it stands, we have the ability to import a single pattern track into the currently playing pattern; however, the track must be loaded according to its track number. I.E., We can load track 2 of pattern 2 into pattern 1, but it can only be loaded into pattern 1′s track 2 slot. Would it be possible to implement the ability to, e.g., load pattern 2 track 2 into pattern 1 track 1,2,3 or 4? Maybe this would be totally impossible, but i thought it would be worth asking since it would allow you to assemble sequences in a much more modular fashion – good for improvising/live performance.

    Avatar of Christian

    I had thought about this option, but what makes it really difficult is the consistency between drumtracks and chord tracks. I´ve spent a lot of time to provide making every track switchable between one or the other so now every track can be drum or chords/notes. But exchanging patterns between drum and chord tracks would result in garbage, as they handle certain memory regions differently to each other.

    Also, I then thought it wouldn´t make too much sense anyway, because even inbetween synths, ususally you don´t assign a different instrument (track) the melody that another instrument was just playing?

    All in all I had then decided against adding that option…

    Avatar of bg

    Ah ok that makes sense, thanks

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