Instrument selection in chord mode

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Instrument selection in chord mode

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Luigi Luigi 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #3105
    Avatar of Luigi

    Hi Cristian,
    May I suggest a little workflow improvement?
    When working on a drum track and “inst select” is engaged, switching to a chord track it remains engaged and you have to push it to access normal chord track editing features.
    When I’m in that mood I often forget to switch it off. Can you please make so that zaquencer adapts to the mode you’re working in? Make it remember if “inst slect” is engaged in a drum track and automaticaly turn it off when switching to a chord track or eliminate that function for chord tracks (it’s useless in that case, isn’t it?).


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Luigi,
    thanks for sharing your suggestion!
    While I understand where your wish is coming from, I´m not sure that adding more intelligence to the mode selection will really improve workflow. The way I see it is that while you may havve to push an extra button to reach the mode you want, this at least is a very predictable behaviour, that should be easily to be gotten used to after some time. With added intelligence I think it´s much easier to forget why the machine acts like it does and it may cause even more confusion. For example, what if you did not mean to press the track button or were looking for the second drum track and accidentally hit a chord track…

    Also, the inst select mode for chord tracks still holds the tap write/erase functionality, so the mode still might make sense for those kinds of tracks.


    Avatar of Luigi

    Opss!.. I’m sorry. I didn’t read trough that section in the manual.

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