Interpolating CCs and\or use Wave Generator

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 5 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6787
    Avatar of Todd

    Hi..first off I’d like to say that Zaquencer is the most exciting and inspiring musical tool I’ve played with in a long time. Much appreciation and respect to you, Christian!

    My question involves the MIDI CTRL function .. since the cc value is set per step, is there a way to interpolate between values rather than trying to create a smooth ramp by setting each step individually?
    for example: if I want Step 1 to be value 0 and Step 24 to be value 127, is there a simple way to do this? ie a way similar to the two knob twists required to set sequence length (seq start and seq length).
    It seems like the Wave Generator might be the solution but I’m not quite clear on what settings I would use (gain\rate etc).
    I have calculated that a Triangle wave with Gain: 100, Offset: 0, Rate: 1 would yield the desired ‘ramp’ from 0-127. Could you verify that I am understanding correctly?


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Todd,
    thanks for the kind words about the Zaquencer! I´m happy that you like it!

    Yes, the Wave Generator would be the tool for what you ask. It is a bit difficult for me to pinpoint the parameters exactly, and I would recommend just trying it out a lot to get a feeling for how it behaves. For your application I would recommend using the “saw” waveform though. The triangle goes up and down again. As a starting point you could try saw with Gain 100, Offset 0 and rate 2.

    Actually now that I think about it more, your version should work as well. If you choose triangle with rate 1 you would only get the first half of the waveform which should do the same thing.


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