Issue using Zaquencer with Roland Boutique SH-01A

Home Forums Support Issue using Zaquencer with Roland Boutique SH-01A

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #6697
    Avatar of Matthewk

    Hello! First post here. I keyword searched an answer on here and through google but was unsuccessful.

    This may very well be an issue on the Roland side and not a Zaquencer problem.

    I’ve been using a Zaquencer for a few months to drive soft synths through Ableton. Zero issues!
    Yesterday I purchased a Roland SH-01A with the intention of driving it with the Zaq. As far as I can tell I have both the sequencer and the Roland working on the same MIDI CHannel, but I cannot get the SH-01A to play a pattern from the Zaq. It does, however, trigger one random pattern on the Roland when I press “Play” in Ableton; Zaqeuncer is triggered through USB to MIDI from my laptop and the SH-01A is triggered through MIDI to MIDI from the Zaquencer.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you.

    Avatar of Matthewk

    Okay, so by simply moving the MIDI cable from the OUT B/THRU port to OUT A I was able to have my pattern play through the synth. I still do not know what this phantom pattern coming out of OUT B is, though.

    Avatar of Matthewk

    Is OUT B/THRU simply unusable with the BCR after it’s had the Zaq update?

    Avatar of Christian

    no, OutB should work just fine. Can you please tell me your setting of the Global Parameter MIDI Through AB?

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