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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #726
    Avatar of alien_brain

    AMAZING! i LOVE it.

    ok this is my first hardware step sequencer and i already love it. i gather this is a cheaper solution than most. thank you for not keeping this to yourself! ill be buying at least 2 more i think because this is so cool. this will give me incentive to use my shruthis! incredible.


    Avatar of Mesmerised

    Same here – I’m just giving the Zaquencer a first spin with my AMBIKA. :-)

    I have chained up the sequences for Depeche’s “Any second now” rather nicely!

    So far it works well and I like it. Cheers from me too! :-D

    Avatar of Christian

    Thank you so much for the kind words!
    I have been very excited about this project during the whole development phase and I am very happy to see that this excitement translates to you as the users as well!!

    Avatar of alien_brain

    oh yes the cc control of pattern playback is very nice!

    Avatar of Citric

    I own a lot of diferent Hardware Sequencers, due my huge collection on hardware i also have some diy sequencers like Transistorsex, Midibox V4L , Doepfer Maq16, Beatstep, and a lot of CV and Gate Sequencers like klee, a155, Fonotronik Seq. and a lot of selfbuilded ones.
    But the Zaquncer is a verry nice one. ok i just run the demo, but i will buy a licence very soon.
    God work, and i think i will use it a lot in my actual live setup and on my next album witch will come soon.
    Nice work , hope you will sell a lot of licences. I have done , and will do a lot of promotion for it. i like it.

    Avatar of gsm909

    Hi ZaqAudio, ive just joined the forum and am very impressed with what ive seen of the zaquencer in action. I’m currently rebuilding my studio and will definately be purchasing a full licence once I am able to test it with my equipment.

    Avatar of Andrew

    Zaq what you have done here is fantastic old chap.

    You have given my old BCR a new lease of life.

    Now looking for another BCR.

    Many thanks for your work and effort, hope it pays of for you.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    this thing is a game changer. this thing is a computer killer! it has amazing potential to compete with sequencers many times its price. im seriously impressed with the grooves im getting from its simple interface. in all my years of collecting gear, this smacks of ‘instant classic’ more than any other single piece that i can think of. 9.5/10 and maybe higher on my all time gear list!

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