Midi advice

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #5291
    Avatar of madddk

    Hey guys,

    I’m maximise the 4 track sequence availability of my newly acquired Zaquencer.

    Im trying to figure out if this would work before actually making a midi interface purchase.

    Current Setup
    Synth 1 (midi In)
    Synth 2 (midi In)
    Synth 3 (midi In & midi through)
    Drum machine (midi In)

    If I buy a 4in x 4out midi interface would I be able to do:
    MIDI out from zaquencer to midi in of the midi interface so that the signal of the zaquencer goes to the 4 outs of the midi interface leading to the the 4 hardware?

    That would i guess allow me to also use another IN of the midi 4×4 interface to control the 4 synths with my MIDI keyboard (midi In/midi through/usb).

    The midi in of the zaquencer is taken by the soundcard of my laptop which is used to send a clock
    from ableton to zaquencer

    thanks for your time

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi madddk,
    sorry for the late reply.
    In theory what you describe should be possible, but it strongly depends on the capabilities of th Midi interface. It has to have a through/merge functionality.

    I would recommend a standard Midi thru box, but these usually only have 1 input, which is not enough in your case.

    Do you have a certain midi interface in mind?

    Avatar of madddk

    Thank you for the reply Christian,

    I’m thinking of the Miditech Midiface 4×4


    Ultimately I would like to sequence and send midi to the hardware concurrently from both the Zaquencer and Ableton as well as play them via a midi keyboard.

    Cheers for the help

    Avatar of madddk

    just to make why i use both ableton and zaquencer a bit more clear,

    The actual sequencing in terms of notes inputted is sometimes not from the zaquencer but from ableton. In this cases I use the zaquencer to run a sequence that just sends Control Change messages to create more rhythmically/polyrhythmically rich pattern.

    Avatar of Christian

    I just had a look at the manual. It doesn´t look like the interface itselfe has through/merge functionality. You should be able to do the routing through Ableton though. I´m not sure about the latencies, but my guess is it should be fine. Can you purchase with money-back option, just in case?

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