Midi Control A/B CC problem

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Avatar of Arno


    At the moment I’m using my Zaquencer to trigger my Nord Rack 2 and Roland SP-404 and it’s working great!

    But there is one problem. I’m using the arpeggiator in the Nord to repeat notes and i need to change the rate (speed) when I go to the next pattern. But when I do this and the rate doesn’t change the first note but the second one. Does the cc message get send before the note message? (this should be the case right?)

    Thanks for your help.

    Kind regards,


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Avatar of Arno Arno.
    Avatar of alien_brain

    as far as i know the cc messages do get sent before the note because i use a cc to specify what start point to play from with my ensoniq asrx-pro

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Arno,
    the CC messages are being sent before the note messages.
    This is right in theory and I have just verified this here again with the Zaquencer, also switching between two patterns.

    Which Zaquencer version are you using? There has been a bug fix in 1.04 regarding the message priorities. It was mainly NoteOn/NoteOff prorities, but the bug might have affected the order of CC messages as well. So if you haven´t updated yet, I´d recommend trying with 1.042 first.

    Avatar of Arno

    Hi Christian,

    I installed the newest firmware but the problems stays the same. But maybe it’s only this parameter, because when I for instance send the cc message to the filter it seems to work fine. I created a workaround by sending 1 of the 2 cc messages in the last step of the previous pattern, but that also means if that pattern repeats itself the first step will have those different settings. I still have some spare patterns per page so I might just copy the pattern a couple of times and only put the changing cc value in the last step of the last repeating pattern.

    It’s not ideal, but I don’t know what else to do. It seems weird that the Nord can’t alter the values fast enough.


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Arno,
    ok too bad that the problem did not go away with the update…

    I only have one other idea, you could look at the Midi data in a Midi monitor software to make absolutely sure the CC comes first. If that´s the case (sounds like it by what you wrote about the filter) then I´m afraid there is not much I can do about this.

    Oh, on a very different idea, you wrote “I’m using the arpeggiator in the Nord to repeat notes”. Have you considered using the Zaquencer´s ratcheting for that effect? Maybe you can work around having to use the Arpeggiator of the Nord.
    Way out there, I know, but it might be worth a shot :)

    Avatar of Arno

    I haven’t looked in that feature yet, will do that tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion. Keep up the good work!

    Avatar of Arno

    Wow, that ratcheting feature is amazing! It does exactly what I need!


    Avatar of Christian

    Wow, that ratcheting feature is amazing! It does exactly what I need!

    Ha, awesome! Happy that it fits your bill ;)

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