midi gate function?

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1324
    Avatar of alien_brain

    ok heres an off the wall one: some way to program a midi controller gate using ‘note length’ or ‘ratcheting’ to fire quick volume commands or any cc i guess…

    Avatar of Christian

    I´m not sure I understand… are you talking about a CV/Gate gate? Or something else?

    Avatar of alien_brain

    no like a trance gate (for lack of a better term) its where you place a pattern of silence on a sound so it is then ‘gated’ in a musical way.

    btw im not much of a trance fan but this would be useful to almost any style of electronic music

    Avatar of Christian

    I think I understand the idea now.
    To get more specific, would the gate you have in mind affect the notes generated on the respective track where the gate is placed, right?
    The thing is, a feature like that would have to be coupled to every note generated. In midi you always have to know the note number for which you adjust velocity or note off.

    You also already mentioned ratcheting in the first post. It might be more feasible to express the gate idea that you have in mind by ratcheting a note multiple times.
    Should be similar, no? The note is being turned on and off in quick succession.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    midi volume control messages are what i had in mind. they wouldnt need to be per note, more like per channel since it would be a cc value. i understand that you can already do this but not as fast as would be useful and also you would need to use one step for on and one for off… in my suggestion, you would chose the gate time much like a note length, and whether it would repeat or not much like ratcheting.

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