midi note external sequencer clock

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  • #2117
    Avatar of chaosmoon

    I’m looking for a way to simulate the behaviour of an SH-101′s sequencer driven by a 606 trigger out.

    The TOM sequence in the 606 will cause the 101 to advance through its sequence. Its a lot of fun because you can program rhythmic and uneven clock signals.

    I’m currently working with a drummer who uses triggers from his kick and snare into an Alesis trigger IO which translates the triggers to midi notes. It would be great if we could use his incoming triggers to drive the zaquencer.

    Of course you could also use other hardware/software to trigger the zaquencer in the same creative way.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    agree here. unfortunately the pedal inputs dont accept triggers.

    BUT if we defined a list of steps with notes and then ‘stepped’ through the list with every new note entered into the zaquencer, it would be virtually the same thing. this allows for a rhythm juxtaposition onto your set of notes and they dont necessarily need to match up, sort of like a mayan calendar. it also occurs to me that maybe you could enter your notes into all steps of a pattern on the zaquencer, and then send that track a midi command to step to the next note in the list. that way it would be just another track mode and allow for much longer loop times when performed. of course this would require another sequencer to play zaquencer but i dont mind that detail. it could be done from the computer or anything like a drum machine or even a controlling keyboard.

    wow what a niche idea that would certainly emulate the sh-101 or pro~one or similar. sounds creative! im all for it. +1

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