Midi Realtime Record

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Midi Realtime Record

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    Avatar of Robert

    Realtime or Step Record of Midi notes. Realtime recording should work on the fly, without stopping the sequencer.
    I can’t find this important feature in the Manual, is it really missing?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Robert,
    realtime recording of Midinotes (monophonic and drums, no chords) is already implemented in the Zaquencer!
    You can find it in the manual under “Tap Write”, Page 24.


    Avatar of Cyril

    Just by curiosity, why can’t we input chords ?

    Avatar of Robert

    Realtime record works actually perfect, also the “mini Keyboard” on the 16 taps is a very smart idea! User Manual could be improved, I did not understand that chapter until now…

    “Input chord” would be my additional wish too, probaby is an issue of the internal data structure?

    Avatar of Christian

    probaby is an issue of the internal data structure?

    This is exactly the reason. You see, chords are not stored as their individual notes, but as an entry of a lookup table (LUT) that is built upon the base note. This makes it difficult and most likely inconsistent to record chords in realtime. The only chance one would have is to check for the notes being played at the moment, comparing that against the existing entries in the LUT and picking the closest one. But that would be unsatisfying/frustrating as it could not cover all the chords people would be playing. Then if it differs, the software would have the choice to not record a chord at all, or a similar one, which doesn´t make sense as well.

    Avatar of SimonBorderline

    Can we use this mode with the quantize off to record some J Dilla Drum Loop or some strange rythmic melodic patterns ?
    It will be a sort of midi looper.
    It is possible ?

    Avatar of Christian

    I´m afraid this is not possible at the moment.
    When recording midi data, the notes are always quantized to the step grid.
    You can use Note Delay afterwards to shift them around in time.

    Avatar of SimonBorderline

    Ah ok.
    Maybe for an update with a sort of midi looper. :)
    Thanks for the answer by the way.

    Avatar of DENTEdiSEGA

    I think could be really important give possibility to switch on/off the quantization option on record midi note-in (I think at external controller), so that preserve more natural and imperfect execution. It is planned for a future firmware release?

    Thank you for your beautiful work! Roberto

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Roberto,
    thanks for your message and for sharing your idea!
    The thing is, during development we´ve tried switching off the quantization, but because of the limited internal time resolution (Midi pulses), the smallest raster spacing was something like 20ms. This was enough to really mess with the feeling of a performance, so that it felt even worse. This is why we decided on enabling the quantization for recording.


    Avatar of bg

    I understand the limitations described above as to real-time recording, however i really really would love to be able to somehow transfer midi sequences created on a different sequencer into the zaquencer. Would it be possible to devise a way to perform a (non-realtime) sequence dump into the zaquencer that would preserve the timing of the original sequence? or would this face the same limitation described above? also, thanks christian for this amazing product and your time!

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi beau,
    thanks for your question!

    Well, yes the limitation of the limited time resolution applies to all sequences that the Zaquencer is able to represent. It makes no difference in this regard if the sequence has been created in realtime or offline. An import of an existing midi file is not a trivial task and in addition will always be limited by the time resolution.

    If somebody wants to have a go anyway, I could imagine this as an additional function for the open source Zaquencer Preset Manager that has just been released (import .mid file, write into a .syx file for the Zaquencer). Let me know, I´ll gladly help with the pattern spec of the Zaq.

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