Midi Thru? How to get PC midi to ZAQ-connected devices.

Home Forums Support Midi Thru? How to get PC midi to ZAQ-connected devices.


This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar of Jeffrey Mitchell Jeffrey Mitchell 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Avatar of Jeffrey Mitchell
    Jeffrey Mitchell

    I have a Zaquencer I would like to keep the midi in connected to Ableton for clock, and then outs connected to downstream modules the ZAQ will sequence but that also need to receive CC/SysEx from Ableton. For instance, I have an Evolver desktop that needs to receive messages from the Soundtower editor on the PC, and a Meeblip Anode that needs browser control.

    If I connect my PC interface’s midi out to the ZAQ, will the downstream devices like the Evolver get PC/Ableton messages in a “midi thru” way (in other words, does the ZAQ pass that data on)? If not, what would you recommend as the midi signal path for this type of setup?

    Avatar of Jeffrey Mitchell
    Jeffrey Mitchell

    Ok, this is probably a RTFM issue. I see there is a midi thru setting in the global menu. I’ll read up and experiment.

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