midi trough filtered blocks noteoff

Home Forums Bug Reports midi trough filtered blocks noteoff

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 7 years, 9 months ago.

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    Avatar of manfredi

    i have found this issue while slaving the zaquencer to another clock on input, setting up clock out on port A, midi trough port B on filtered mode.
    With this setup notes off coming from external keybed trough Zaq input are blocked by filtering mode on output B.


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi manfredi,
    I have just tested that with an Ableton Live setup, but I can´t reproduce the behaviour.
    - Ableton is sending the clock and midi keyboard input to the Zaquencer´s Midi In.
    - Zaquencer is slaved to Ableton´s clock, will start playing in sync.
    - Zaquencer Clock out is set to A
    - Zaquencer Midi Through is set to Filtered B
    - Output B is connected back to ableton and controls a Pad Synth
    - Now when sending notes to the Zaq the Note Off is correctly forwarded through port B back into Ableton. This works if Ableton´s clock is running or not.

    Do you have any other Midi filters in your chain that might be set incorrectly?
    Can you do a SysEx dump of your Global settings and send them to support@zaqaudio.com?


    Avatar of manfredi

    hello Christian
    thank you for your fast support. i found this issue is related to trasposing feature.
    1) t1-t4 ch 1-4, trasposing ch13-16 = no note off on thru
    2) t1-t4 ch 1-4, no trasposing == everything fine

    i will replicate the error in the evening then ll send you a dump

    with love


    Avatar of manfredi

    p.s. yes i have a hardware merger on input (midi solution) with keybed and controllers + ableton loopback sync

    Avatar of manfredi

    the zaquencer is most sweet musical stuff i ever met. I wanna make love and have a baby with it

    Avatar of Christian

    Haha thanks :)

    I was able to confirm the bug and sent you an email regarding the problem.


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