Momentary mixer button

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Momentary mixer button

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Luigi Luigi 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #3106
    Avatar of Luigi

    Here’s another little suggestion.
    The title says it all. Can you please add a momentary function to the mixer button?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Luigi,
    I think I know what you mean and if it´s that, there is a function already present.
    You can mute/unmute tracks by holding the track button (1-4, top right) and simultaneously hitting the mixer button. This will not enter mixer mode but just toggle the mute on that track.
    Let me know if this helps you out, or what else you had imagined.


    Avatar of Luigi

    The manual (again).
    That’s nice, but I was thinking of it the other way around. First you hold the mixer button, entering a momentary mixer mode, and while holding the mixer button you can mute/unmute (tracks and drums). Depressing the button gets back to normal operation.
    What do you think?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hm, good idea… maybe it can be implemented. I was thinking how to do it that it still also works as a dedicated mode and I could imagine it to work like this:
    - start by pressing down mixer button
    - when releasing the button without having pressed anything else, switch to mixer mode like normal
    - when pressing a channel or drum button before releasing the mixer button, leave mixer mode on depressing the mixer button

    that way you could have both modes of operation on the same button.

    Avatar of Luigi

    What about something a little more straightforward?
    - If you tap the mixer button u enter regular mixer mode (tap again to exit)
    - When you hold the button you enter momentary mixer mode (release to exit)


    Avatar of Luigi

    Mmm…and why not extending the momentary function to everything else(note pitch, velocity, etc). Of course when using a momentary function for something like note velocity we’ll loose the ability to change all the steps at once.
    Thinking out loud..

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