Multiple instruments?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #2516
    Avatar of Denny

    Hi -

    I’m struggling to get multiple synths to be sequenced via my Zaquencer. I know it’s possible, but I’m missing something.

    Using two synths – one from each Midi Out is all i need to do for the moment. I have a Tr8 running it via external clock and would like two play my Jx8P and Dsi Mopho KB. I know the Mopho has a thru so i could potentially run more hardware, but for now 2 will do.

    Could someone please run through the process of doing so? It would be a great help.

    Thanks in advance.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Will,

    there are three things you have to check out for adressing a Synth:

    - the Zaquencer track you´re planning to use must be unmuted: Mixer Menu->Track Buttons 1-4 toggle mutes (Track 1 is unmuted as default, the others are muted)
    - in the Global Menu, the Midi Out A/B of the track has to correspond to the Midi Out port where the Synth is connected
    - in the Global Menu, the Midi Out Channel of the track has to be set to match the Synth´s Midi Channel

    That should do it. Please try these steps and let me know if you have more specific questions.

    Did you have success using one single Synth yet?

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