Multiple tracks simultaneously problem

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 9 months ago.

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    Avatar of Klas Sjöberg
    Klas Sjöberg

    Hi again,

    My zaquencer works now and it’s a load of fun!

    But I’m encountering a problem when I try to run multiple tracks from the zaquencer to logic X. I have a drum track and a bass track. T2 is drums and T1 is bass and i have assigned T1 och MIDI channel 1 and T2 on MIDI channel 2. In logic I have chosen these tracks on the drum and bass channels respectively but I get all sounds from both instruments. so both the drum pattern and the bass pattern plays through both the drum and bass channels.

    I hope I am making sense here trying to explain. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Klas,
    happy to hear that you´re already having fun with your Zaquencer!

    About the problem, I can only offer rather general troubleshooting advice.
    For example you could try triggering your Midi channels with another Midi source like a keyboard, if you have one. Then you could look at the Zaquencer´s Midi data with a program like “Midi Monitor” (on Mac):

    This way you can see which side the behaviour originates from.

    If the Zaquencer sends on the correct channels, it might be connected to Logic´s midi routing. As I wrote before, I didn´t use Logic X before, but it might have something to do with the environment (if that still exists). I found Logic 9´s Midi routing a bit intransparent back then…

    Maybe other users with more Logic X experience can chime in as well?

    Avatar of Klas Sjöberg
    Klas Sjöberg

    Thank you Christian for the quick response. I think I might have found the answer here:

    I hope that this is the right solution. Gonna try it when I get home.

    Avatar of Klas Sjöberg
    Klas Sjöberg

    It worked! Logic x was the problem, as I thought.

    Avatar of Christian

    Nice! Thanks for posting back here with the solution, it might help other users as well.

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