Muting note when a pot is pressed

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Muting note when a pot is pressed

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #2083
    Avatar of Gilles

    Hi there,

    Too bad that only the first line of pots are press-able but it will be interesting to allow us draw a pattern quicker if it will be possible to mute or unmute a note by pressing the corresponding pot into the “note pitch” mode.

    What do you think ?


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Gilles,
    thanks for sharing your idea!
    If all 32 encoders would be push, I´d totally agree and it would make for an awesome workflow.
    Like it is now though, I´d think it´d lead to more frustration than everything else. Like, when you´ve really gotten used to doing it for the first 8 steps, but not being able for the rest. :(

    Also we might need the push function of the encoders for other more important things in the future, so I kinda like having them reserved up there.


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