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April 1, 2015 at 9:38 pm #2437
I had bcr2000 in my closet for quite some years now,
basically when I upload the syx (upload process works fine), but after restart I get noOS error, reinstalling original behringer firmware works fine, but demo or purchased zaquencer ends up in noOS, could be that some quite old bcr2000′s wont work? (I had this one for maybe 7 years? really old)April 1, 2015 at 10:33 pm #2438that is possible. why dont you try it again. the file you used may be corrupt, the flash might not have worked correctly, a number of things could have gone wrong including the midi interface might not be working properly. i would re-download the firmware, reflash and see if there are better results. also, perform an initialization after you flash for the hell of it. good luck!
April 2, 2015 at 9:11 am #2439Good advice from alien here.
The age of the BCR should not matter, except if there was a fault in the device somehow. The oldest BCR we´ve got here for testing is from 2004 and it works great!Another tip is to upload the firmware twice in a row if there´s trouble with the first upload (with restarting the device inbetween).
April 2, 2015 at 6:22 pm #2443This took some time but may be very helpful for other users, i think i’ve solved this situation and it is very, well, unusual.
Basically I have 2 audio interfaces with midi, tascam us-122(very old! and cheap) and sonic core xite1.
Complete fail when using xite1(most expensive interface I have), no chance, did always get “F” on left side of screen, spent whole evening tweaking things and monitoring.
Booted up tascam us-122(it took a while to install it, no drivers since 2007, messages like “this windows version is not supported” etc…).
This one seemed to work ok(at least no “F” on left side), except “noOS” for demo or purchased version of zaquencer. Was able to reflash original behringer firmware with no problems(with different midi-ox settings). So started experimenting with midi-ox settings, a lot…(did previously too).
Did take hours for this, experimenting with buffers, delay after F7, delay between buffers.
I accidentally found that after flashing with zaquencer i need to change buffer number and “delay after f7″ this seemed to “flush” something to BCR.
Basically i have settings like this: 150 for “delay after f7″, size “305″ num “4″ for buffers, “0″ for buffer delay. When i flash BCR i get “- 13″ on display in BCR, changing buffers “num” to 5(dont disconnect BCR or do anything with it), seems to do something(looks like “buffer flush” and now i see “13″, after reboot, works.
Tried to give as much details as possible, seems changing buffer amount does “flush” remaining bits to BCR when using midi-ox.April 2, 2015 at 7:05 pm #2445Hi Martynas, this is indeed a very helpful find. Thank you very much for posting it here! I have not experienced this before, but I´m sure there will be future users that will profit from your experiences.
So, is everything working for you now? I just remembered, some users have also reported success using the Elektron C6 software for flashing the firmware, this is both Mac & PC. I haven´t deeply looked into it yet though, as MidiOx/SysexLibrarian always worked without a hassle here.
April 2, 2015 at 8:21 pm #2446Hello zaq,
everything works fine now, tried this procedure several times, i did use some other software for flashing, but did get similar results, so decided to stay with midi-ox after first evening.
Still not sure why i did get complete failure on other midi interface.
As a developer i would suggest if users are seeing “- <number>” BCR is still waiting for something(possibly software issue?.
Now testing demo, basically trying to decide if i want to flash it on this BCR unit or get another(as licence is per unit), this one does work ok, but definitely it doesnt feel the same due to old age and environment it was stored in.
Demo works great so far, will let you know if spot anything, will try it for few more days.April 3, 2015 at 9:18 am #2450Sounds great, thanks!
I´ve found that not all Midi Interfaces are created the same. In several threads throughout the web I´ve seen hints that a big difference is the hardware buffer that they supply. The Behringer BCR needs it´s firmware messages in packets of 306 bytes (or so). I´ve found some interfaces that only had a buffer of 256 bytes and so were chopping up the SysEx message so the BCR couldn´t understand them anymore.
This is not always depending on the price of the interface. I have seen extremely cheap ones that work and expensive ones that don´t. The cheapest one that we´ve found to work reliably is the M-Audio Midisport Uno, but there are lots of others too.
Good luck and have fun with the testing!
January 20, 2018 at 1:06 pm #6065> I accidentally found that after flashing with zaquencer i
> need to change buffer number and “delay after f7″ this seemed
> to “flush” something to BCR.I experienced the same “no OS” behaviour after trying to upload the zaq demo firmware via a Tascam US122. Thanks to the unbelievable finding of @Martynas i was able to get it working.
Thank you so much! -
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