New first note. And a Duplication feature.

Home Forums Feature Wishlist New first note. And a Duplication feature.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Avatar of Jamie

    After playing with a sequence for a while my brain will make it out as it step 13 is the start note because that is (in my mind) where the sequence sounds the best to start from.
    I would love it if there was a feature to select a note to be the start note, with the sequence remaining exactly the same but it is reorganised to start on beat 1 on the controller rather than beat 13.

    A feature to duplicate the first 16 steps to the second 16 steps would also be amazing, to easily create a variation without having to re input all of the notes again.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Jamie,

    have you checked out the Sequence Offset (SEQ OFFSET) parameter yet? This is exactly for the case you´ve described. If you make out step 13 as the start of the sequence because of the notes etc. just set Sequence Offset to step 13 and it´ll really start there from now on.

    Let me know how this works out for you once you´ve tried it.

    Duplicating steps is not possible atm.


    Avatar of pure

    it would be nice to have a feature that “renders” the seq offset into the pattern. so like in this case step 13 would become step 1. makes it more intuitive to then work further with it.

    Avatar of Christian

    Ah I see. This is probably how Jamie meant it in the first place.
    Feature request noted.

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