No Challenge code!

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of fabi fabi 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1713
    Avatar of teknoid

    Really had momentum to start with the full version same day as I started the DEMO, but I never saw or see no Challenge code…

    Starting up says Demo 1.01 and then jumps to “64″

    pressing exit does not help

    This has most cerain;y to do with little uncanny BCR2000 (there must be a lot like thisI assume)(i decided to try tje software on this device anyway since allseemed to work more or less,except with some jumping encoder value’s

    is there any way I can force the challenge code?

    shit i was So Ready to start and that after long payment hassle grr

    Avatar of teknoid

    Unfortunately it is not possible to edit mistakes out of the above message.
    Still no Challenge code or ‘Auth’ message.
    The BCR2000 seems to function correct though…

    Looking forward to your reply

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    Avatar of Christian

    email sent

    Avatar of teknoid

    Sorted now, thanks Christian!

    It was a faulty BCR2000.

    Before installing Zaquencer it is wise to read this, as to learn if your unit has this problem where the BCR2000 sends ‘random’ value’s (when obviously it should be idle).

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
    Avatar of fabi

    i guess i am lucky that with my two bcr’s i never had that problem. sounds like a pain the behind. ;)

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