no midi in or out.

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #5846
    Avatar of erik

    hi all,

    after some time i used my zaquencer again. its fully working but i can’t seem to get any midi notes out of it. i’ve tried several options. but nothing. it’s also not recieving any extrenal midi(clock)

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Erik,
    some ideas off the top of my head:

    For the Midi output:
    - How is the status of the Midi A/B LEDs when you are playing the sequencer? Are they flashing?
    - Have you looked at the mxer mutes to check that all is unmuted?
    - Have you selected the correct output A/B?
    - What are you using the Zaquencer with, a USB interface or hardware synths? Have you checked if that Midi receiver is working as it should (driver of interface etc)?

    For the Midi input:
    - How is the status of the Midi IN LED when you are receiving the clock?
    - have you made sure that in Global menu encoder 2 is set to etl?
    - have you checked the clock source?

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