Not a bug – hardware issue assistance required

Home Forums Bug Reports Not a bug – hardware issue assistance required

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of David

    Hope you don’t mind this posted here but I am miffed. Just uploaded the the latest version and my BRC2000 is playing up. Basically the first four buttons are sending weird codes that jumps all over the place rather than selecting their own function.

    I read elsewhere here that this is possible a transistor or something on the key matrix but I confess I’m clueless. Anyone here in UK or Europe even that could assist with a repair job?



    Avatar of Christian

    Hi David,

    while I can´t help with finding a repair center, my first impression was that it might not be related to the hardware if the buttons send weird codes. What do you mean by that exactly, weird midi messages?
    The classic hardware error is when one button triggers many functions at the same time.

    If you don´t experience that, and especially if previous versions worked fine, I suggest that you try re-uploading the firmware, to see if that might get rid of your error.
    You can also play with rolling back to 1.03 and then reupload 1.04 etc..


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