'Note Pitch' – Restrict range when randomizing

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of mks30 mks30 4 years ago.

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  • #7337
    Avatar of mks30

    We have ‘Sequence length’ boundaries, say 1-8

    We have Scale Type = Cm and Base Note = C2

    So we have 8 notes, constricted to Cmin with C2 as a ‘lower boundary’

    What we don’t seem to have is an ‘upper pitch boundary’ i.e. Base Note to Upmost Note…so say C2-C3

    Why is this important? Randomization!

    I set an 8 note Cm scale bounded by C2-C3 and when I randomize, the pitches come from everywhere, instead of the desired note range C2-C3.

    I hope this is an oversight on my part, because randomization is useless without boundaries, I’m sure that goes for the other parameters that can be randomized also.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Avatar of mks30 mks30.
    Avatar of Christian

    thanks for sharing your input.
    It is possible to limit the range of the randomization by using the “gain” parameter of the wave generator.
    It´s not set to a specific note, because the wave generator can also be used for other parameters. Rather it´s set as a percentage of the total range.
    Please see manual page 15 for an illustration how this works.

    Avatar of mks30

    Thanks that helps,

    I wanted the SEQ START note 1 (which in this case = GLOBAL SCALE BASS) to be preserved during a randomization and the only way I could find, was to set SEQ START = 2 and then set back to 1 after the randomization….not very conducive to workflow.

    Is there another way to have the GLOBAL SCALE BASE /SEQ START note 1, preserved during a randomizing event?

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