This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by pollefoort 5 years, 5 months ago.
December 17, 2018 at 5:22 am #6554
I’ve just got two BCR2000 thanks to the renewal of one FM radio gear.
One is OK, I plan to use it for Zaquencer.
The second one has hardware issue which couldn’t be solved by reinstalling the OS.
When I press the button Nr. 3 in the row, all LEDs in that row are ON. The same in the second row.
When I turn any knob in one row, LEDs around the knob Nr. 3 are also lit the same way, like they are linked together, and the first LED at the left side on knob Nr. 3 is always lit. The same behavior in the second and third knob row, and LED light intensity is different, like half lit.
Upper encoders work without problem.
Does somebody know what I should suspect? I don’t suppose it’s a dirty encoder, probably some IC controlling the LEDs? I still didn’t check what is sent to MIDI, so I don’t know if it’s only LED behavior or if data of both knobs are sent to MIDI. Also buttons behavior is strange. But maybe it’s good everything is wrong in the same location Nr. 3 from up to down – that can be a hint.
I can do repairs and have some knowledge in electronics, so I will open the machine, check usual stuff – PSU voltages, electrolytic caps (maybe recapping can help?), connectors, IC in sockets (if any), or clean encoders inside etc…
Sorry for OT question, this is not problem of Zaquencer OS.
Thanks for any advice.
Daniel Forro
December 18, 2018 at 8:51 am #6557Hi Daniel,
it sounds like the typical error for the BCR, but in a rather strong intensity.
Check out this page, where the author has found and corrected an error similar to yours: have myself fixed a BCR following that procedure. The problem went away when I exchanged the LED Display like he wrote. Since then I heard a few reports where changing the display did not fix the problem. The author gives more information about the transistors that are used to scan the rows of buttons as well though. Maybe that helps then.
Good luck with the repair!
ChristianJanuary 3, 2019 at 2:01 pm #6587Hi, Christian,
thank you very much for your answer, link and advice!
I will try repair later, now I’m busy with other things. I will write about the result…
For now – all the best for 2019!
Daniel Forro
January 4, 2019 at 12:23 pm #6589Hi, happy new year.
I have the same issue. My tech guy can probably fix it but needs the circuit diagram. Any clues on where to find it?
October 6, 2019 at 6:25 pm #6821Hi,
I used to have the same problem, and resolve it by changing the encoder’s led behaviour: just removing the 0=led off option
(not the push encoders) -
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